1. How to register as a Seller (or Buyer of coffee over 1 Tonne)
  2. View/Edit Store
  3. Manage Products/Stock
  4. Add Stock Keeping Unit

User Manuals - Registering as a Seller on FarmersCorner.org

This User Manual takes you through registering as a Seller including adding a Stock Keeping Unit, adding stock, adding stock prices, and finally publishing stock.

How to register as a Seller or Buyer of coffee over 1 Tonne.

1. Select the Sign Up button
2. Select Seller (and Buyer over 1 tonne)

3. Enter your company's details
4. Click Create to save the details
5. A confirmation email is sent to the registered email address. If you don't see the email in your Inbox folder, check your Spam folder or other folders (e.g.Promotions) for the email
6. Click the Verify Email button in your email to verify the email

7.After email verification, click on Login and enter your user name and password

8. Select your user name to see a dropdown list
9. Select View/Edit Store. This is the first stage of adding and managing stock

10. The first record is your default store. You can have as many stores as possible. Each store is related to your different branches, for example, you can have branches for example, in Europe, Latin America, or Africa and can therefore have different stores for different markets.
11. To add a store, click the Add Store button
12. To add stock, click the Manage Products/Stock

13. This is the main page for adding stock. The first step is to add a Stock Keeping Unit. A Stock Keeping Unit is the base unique definition for a type of Stock as defined in the company's stock manifest. For example, if a company has Ethiopian Djimma coffee batch described as Ethiopian Djimma Year 2021, this is the unique Stock Keeping Unit
14. Click on the Coffee button

15. Enter the details of the Stock Keeping Unit. The Stock Keeping Unit Name should have no spaces or special characters, for example, Ethiopian_Djimma_Year_2021
16. Enter the Stock Keeping Unit details. You must enter at least one product cultivar defining the Stock Keeping Unit.
17. Select Product Main Type defining your Stock Keeping Unit

18. Select at least one Product Sub Type defining your Stock Keeping Unit

19. Click on Add Product Cultivar. At least one Cultivar is required, Barista Blends can have as many as four cultivars.
20. Select the Date Registered related to the date when the Stock Keeping Unit was registered in the company's stock manifest

21. From here you can see you have created your first Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). With this SKU, you can now add Stock Amount, Stock Price, and also Publish the stock
22. Select Manage Stock

23. Add the details about the Stock including Amount In Stock,Minimum Order Quantity,Packaging Type and other details relevant to your stock.

24. The Description field is an internal definition of why the stock has changed
25. Click on Save to save the details

26. Select Manage Stock Price from the Add Stock Keeping Unit page
27. Set the price of each unit of stock (Unit Price)
28. Click Save

29. Select Manage/Edit/Publish Product from the Add Stock Keeping Unit page
30. You MUST add a longer Description to the product. You may add any details that further describe your product, for example, Altitude (masl), region of source coffee, grade (e.g. Grade 1, AA, Type 1), packaging details, and more.
31. Add other details if necessary such as web links to your product on your site
32. Remember to click Save

33. To link an image to your SKU, again, select Manage/Edit/Publish Product from the Add Stock Keeping Unit page
34. Go to the bottom and select Choose File button and select the image from your computer

35. To publish the product, again select the Manage/Edit/Publish Product link and review your product's details
36. Click Publish. The product will now be available to online users and FarmersCorner's search engine

Page updated 20-November-2022